Tammy Chamley | Editor The Old Farmer’s Almanac; is it fact or fiction? For 230 years, the Almanac has prepared its readers for winter with an 80% accuracy of weather forecasts. From dry-mild winters to a polar vortex, this book has a variety of answers for winters to...
Veteran’s Day Programs to be held
The Parker School will be hosting a Veteran’s Day Program to honor those who have given of themselves to protect and serve the rest of us. Veterans are welcome to attend, as well as the general public. The assembly will be held on Thursday, November 11 at 8:15...
Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend
Troy Schwans | Writer Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the fall, in order to make better use of natural daylight. As DST starts, which was the case in...
Parker Senior Citizens Center give back to the local school Back Pack program
Dawn Rye | Writer At the end of every summer, children begin their race towards finding all the school supplies from pencils, backpacks, paper, and much more. However, what happens when a family is living paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet and children have...
Fun was had by all
Two youngsters dress up in homemade chicken costumes to attend the annual event in the Grace Lutheran gathering area. Photos/Dawn Rye On Wednesday, Oct. 27, the community and kids dressed up in costume to attend the annual Grace Lutheran Trunk or Treat activities...
November is National Career Development month
Dawn Rye | Writer As the fall semester winds down, November offers a time to reflect on a career effort for both students and employers. National Career Development Month was created for career development professionals to encourage career-related activities....
New 4-plex apartments coming 2022
Located east of Jones’ Food Center, the landscape is changing while Groeneweg Construction is building a four-apartment complex. According to the owner Paul Groeneweg, the apartments will be complete by early January 2022. Photo/Dawn Rye
Halloween fun for all ages
Dawn Rye | Writer Monsters, ghosts, devils, pirates, princesses, clowns, the imagination of costumes are endless when it comes to dressing up for Halloween. Halloween is traditionally celebrated on October 31, which falls on Sunday this year. According to history,...
Local bowling alley operators join the Hall of Fame
submitted by Brad Shardin Gene and (the late) Jean Graber are a perfect fit for the Pioneer Award given by the South Dakota USBC Association, due to their unwavering dedication to keep the sport of bowling alive in a small South Dakota community for 45 years...
Broehm to take the reins of the new SEFP facilitator
Dawn Rye | Writer Ever watched someone work or perform a job and thought, “I could do that” or “I would love to do that someday?” Heather Broehm has experienced that twice in her life. Broehm is the daughter of previous SEFP Facilitator Nancy Larson. Broehm,...
JV/Varsity football parents looking for a solution on the lack of players
Dawn Rye | Writer Football parents encourage their children and teammates and support the coaches and officials working with their children to promote a positive and enjoyable experience. However, during last week’s Parker School Board meeting, the room was filled...
Celebrating pork producers
Dawn Rye | Writer October is National Pork Month, and pork producers play a significant role in feeding the world. This month their hard work and dedication is highlighted on the high-quality products they provide to consumers. Centerville pork producer Craig...
Enterprise Facilitator Brenda Schulte said her final goodbye
Dawn Rye | Writer Goodbyes are difficult and after six years of serving as the Southeast Enterprise Facilitator, Schulte retired after her husband’s health concerns. Her predecessor Nancy Larson told her, “It will get under your skin.” It didn’t take Schulte...
Keeping themselves in check
Donna Rumbaugh | Managing Editor The Parker City Council met in regular session on Monday, October 11 at 7 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting was short and sweet with no public in attendance. Council members discussed a couple new resolutions to keep checks and...
Parker Public Library participates in Jumpstart’s Annual Read for the record
Please join us for Jumpstart’s Read for the Record at the Parker Public Library on Thursday, Oct. 28. Join us for story time and activities at 10 a.m. Or stop in throughout the day to read the story and receive a treat! Our goal is to have as many...
Annual crow hunt held
Shane Merrill | Sports The 102nd annual Turner Co. Crow hunt was held last Wednesday, Oct. 13 with a full slate of 24 two-man teams. Team captains for the year were Kevin Andersen and Dale Peters for the Clikeman Team, while Paul Reynolds and Eric Meyer for the...
Pheasant hunting season opener
Dawn Rye | Writer South Dakota is home to more than seven million pheasants. In 2021, the traditional season opens on Saturday, Oct. 16 and runs through Jan. 31, 2022. Pheasants prefer agricultural fields, wooded draws, tree strips, wetlands, and set-aside acres. With...
The 17th annual Parker Youth Hunt
Dawn Rye | Writer Every time a hunter goes hunting, it is unique, whether it has been for the last 30 years or has just started the outdoor memories coming from the field of pheasant hunting to a tree stand deer hunting. Like many who love to be outdoors and hunt, the...
District 17 up for redistricting in legislation
Dawn Rye | Writer Republican Richard Vasgaard and Sydney Davis represent South Dakota’s 17 state house district. State representatives represent 21,567 residents after the 2000 Census. However, in 2021 the legislature is discussing redistricting in South Dakota. ...
Harvest and the dangers of farm equipment fires
Dawn Rye | Writer With harvest in motion across most of the Midwest, things can quickly “go up in smoke,” especially with a combine or equipment fire in dry conditions. If a fire erupts and starts spreading within the field, act quickly and try to contain it. The most...