Dawn Rye | Writer In early spring, the South Dakota Department of Transportation crews began the $4.3 million project on S.D. Highway 19 from S.D. Highway 42 to 277th Street at the intersection. The project consisted of cold milling, asphalt resurfacing,...
Farm Bureau Financial Services informs individuals on social security
Dawn Rye | Writer Social Security is part of the retirement plan that provides replacement income for qualified retirees and their families. Before applying for Social Security benefits, there are a few questions to ask. Would it be better to start receiving benefits...
Deborah Pederson
68 Thursday, Aug. 5 Viborg Deborah Kay Pederson was born on May 29, 1953, near Kaylor to Floyd and Edith (Munkvold) Weisz. She attended country school and moved with her family near Custer before moving back and graduating from Scotland High School...
Ron Muller
78 Wednesday, Aug. 1 Parker Ronald Gene Muller was born on Oct. 21, 1942, to Donald and Jeanette (Geiken) Muller. He attended country school and Parker Elementary, graduating from Parker High School in 1961. He enlisted in the U.S. Army, from which he was...
Robert Eugene Eichel
90 Thursday, July 22 Parker Robert was born on Nov. 17, 1931, in Parker to Herbert and Vera Eichel. He went to a country school for eight years, then to high school in Parker, where he met and later married Bonnie Wrage. In their marriage, they had three sons,...
Donna Lea Egan
86 Wednesday, Aug. 4 Sturgis She was born April 7, 1935, to Duard and Mildred Merrill in Parker. Donna married Warren “Bud” Dannenbring in 1956, who passed away on Nov. 30, 1993. Donna re-married three more times to Harry Curwen, Maurice Dachtler and James...
Irene Jorgensen
91 Friday, July 30 Viborg Irene Ellen Cotton was born on March 26, 1930, to Robert and Geneva Cotton. She graduated from Parker High School in 1948 and attended General Beadle Teachers College, where she obtained her teacher’s certificate. She was united...
Ronald M. Viet
70 Thursday, Aug. 5 Parker Ronald Morris Viet was born on July 16, 1951, at Sioux Falls to Virgil and Lorraine (Vos) Viet. He grew up near Parker, where he graduated from Parker High School in 1969. After receiving an associate degree in...
Robin Dale Dannen
50 Saturday, July 31 Chancellor Robin Dale Dannen, 50, would tell you that her greatest passion in life was her family. Robin, a woman with a heart created for giving to others, died on July 31, 2021 in a tragic house fire. Robin is survived by her best friend...
16U teeners fall in regions
Gabe Gillespie eyes the catcher before pitching during last weeks regional tournament (photo by Emily Berens) Shane Merrill | Sports The Parker 16U teeners wrapped up their season last week in the regional tournament. The Pheasants first faced off against Baltic in...
Shari Johnson
73 Thursday, July 29 Salem On Feb. 7, 1948, Shari was born in Vermilion to Sidney and Evelyn (Johnson) Hope. She attended Prairie Bell Country School, rural Vermillion and graduated from Vermillion High School. She was a VHS Class of 1966 student, the first...
Robin Dannen
50 July 31, 2021 Chancellor Robin Dannen, 50, of Chancellor, SD, died tragically in a house fire at her home near Chancellor on Saturday, July 31, 2021. Memorial services will begin at 10:00 a.m. Monday, Aug. 9 at Chancellor Reformed Church. Visitation,...
Shopping local when it comes to back-to-school shopping
Dawn Rye | Writer The list of school supplies seems to be a mile long; kids grow, which means outgrowing clothing. However, at the end of last year, your child emptied their cubby, desk, or locker and brought home a mixed bag of stuff: part trash, part memories and...
Parker welcomes new teachers
Dawn Rye | Writer Austin Hurley High School English Austin Hurley lives in Sioux Falls with his wife Kaila, two daughters, Kollins, Gentri and their two dogs Blu and Cooper. Hurley graduated from Sioux Falls Lincoln High School in 2009 and received his...
Relationships are the foundation of student success
John Silvernail Dawn Rye | Writer A Dean of Students provides support for students, addressing student behavior and coordinating admissions and new student orientation. Last year the Parker School District needed more administrative staff due to their growing school...
She waited her whole life to meet him
Dawn Rye | Writer The Army National Guard is a unique branch of the U.S. military with state and federal responsibilities. Soldiers have deployed to serve with distinction in every major conflict of the nation and beyond. They respond to domestic emergencies such as...
Commissioners approve Pioneer Memorial Hospital budget
Dawn Rye | Writer During last week’s Turner County commissioners meeting, a motion was made to approve the annual Pioneer Memorial Hospital nurse budget request. Pioneer Memorial Hospital CEO Lindsey Hauger said this is her second year approaching the board...
Local New York Life agent rebrands to further help the community
Dawn Rye | Writer Rebranding yourself or your business isn’t simply about changing the appearance of the way you look or simply changing the business name. It’s about bringing your most vital strengths to the forefront to continue on a successful path. New York Life...
Livewires host June Meeting
Skyler Plucker Correspondent The Livewires meet on Monday, June 28, at the courthouse in Parker. Aspen Rand called the meeting to order and Izabella Kastner led the flag pledges and roll call topic was Fourth of July plans and eight members answered it. Rand...
Rod “Grizz” Garrison
73 Thursday, July 22 Sioux Falls Rodney Allen Garrison was born on Nov. 2, 1947, at Urbana, Mo., to Bert and Edna (Sneller) Garrison. He grew up in Rock Rapids, Iowa, where he attended school and graduated from Southern State Teachers College in...