Dawn Rye | Writer Recently the ParMar board decided to make improvements to the course and carry on a advocate’s legacy. Board president Allen Peterson explained the board had talked about upgrading, however, it was hard to find volunteers to help. He said he...
Miller addressed citizen’s concerns about stop sign spinners
On Monday, Aug. 24, construction workers got busy laying down a slurry seal on Parker’s Main Avenue and Sanborn Street. Crews finished up on Tuesday on South Elm Avenue. Missouri Peterolumn, of St. Louis, MO, travels the area completing roads for towns, cities and...
Rob Mckenney holds tight to two of his children, Emma and Eli, when he arrived home last month from deployment with the Army National Guard. photo/John Davis, Aberdeen American News Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor Ten months. Three hundred and twenty-six days. That is...
Infotech Solutions upgrading courthouse cyber security
During last week’s Turner County commissioners meeting Infotech Solution representative Tyler Ruhd explained how the courthouse cyber security was lacking in technology. photo/Dawn Rye Dawn Rye| Writer During last week’s Turner County commissioners meeting, a motion...
School board reviews Koch Hazard survey
During last week’s Parker School Board meeting, board members Erin Anderson and Greg Simmermon listen while Superintendent Donavan DeBoer reviews Koch Hazard’s survey. photo/Dawn Rye Dawn Rye| Writer During last week’s Parker School Board meeting, the board discussed...
City council comes to compromise with Grace Ave residents
Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor Parker’s city council came to a compromise last week in regards to sidewalks on Grace Avenue and Grace Circle. The area had been a source of discussion for more than the last 2 years. Over 20 people were at the Monday, Aug. 10 meeting,...
New principal hired in Parker
Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor As a new school year is about to start in Parker, a new principal has taken the reins as the junior high and high school principal, replacing Bill Leberman who resigned this spring. Janelle Johnson, who will also help with...
Teaching amid a pandemic
Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor School in Parker begins next week. And although Parker School District is preparing the best way they can due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the new school year will not be without challenges and change. Two local Parker School...
In the eyes of a kindergarten teacher during COVID
Dawn Rye | Writer With the uncertainty of the effects of COVID-19, Parker School District teachers prepare for the education and challenges of the upcoming school year. On Thursday, Aug 7, veteran kindergarten teacher Rachel Knutson said she started decorating...
Parker fourth-grade teacher talks about “Return to Learn”
Dawn Rye | Writer Rookie second-year teacher Carly Rozell is preparing for the constant change that “Return to Learn” will bring. Rozell said she is trying to prepare for any situation her fourth-grade class might be put in. She noted she wants to be face to...
Work began last week when crews started tearing up asphalt to install footings in front of the new Parker Ace Hardware. (Photo/Dawn Rye) Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor Parker Ace Hardware will be open in only a few weeks. The announcement, which came late last week,...
Commissioner’s approved Eagle View contract
Turner County Commissioners Lyle VanHove, Mick Miller and Jared Hybertson discuss county business at last week's meeting. (Photo/Dawn Rye) Dawn Rye | Writer During last week’s Turner County commissioner meeting, a motion was made to approve the Pictometry contract...
Cleaning up condemned houses
On Thursday, Aug. 6. the city started cleaning up Parker’s condemned houses after the residents received a letter to comply with city ordinances. According to City Finance Office Adam Jans, residents had 35 days to respond. In the payloader, Joel Peterson started...
Is there really really a coin shortage
Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor Editor’s note: Information in this article was provide through a press release from the US Mint. According to the US Mint, the impact of COVID-19 has resulted in the disruption of the supply channels of circulating coinage – the...
Turner County residents ranked third in predator tails
Dawn Rye | Writer Raccoons, skunks, badger, opossum and red fox are all creatures the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) accept in their Nest Predator Bounty Program. The Nest Predator Bounty Program (NPBP) began on April 1 and ran until July 1 to ensure hunting...
Navigating back to school Covid style
Back to school in Parker will look a little different this year. On Monday, Aug. 3, the district released its Start Well Return to Learn COVID-19 plan. In it, are the details for returning to school in three weeks. Although masks are not required, they are...
Two weeks ago trees were removed on the south end of Main Street just north of the Turner County Courthouse to make room for curb and gutter. A Groeneweg Construction employee prepares the ground for crews to pour concrete sidewalks south of the courthouse....
EagleView flight plan proposed to board
During last week’s commissioner’s meeting, Turner County Deputy Assessor Renee Jans, visited with Commissioner Mark Kaufmann about the imagery and the software that they were discussing during the meeting. (Photo/Dawn Rye) Dawn Rye | Writer During last week’s Turner...
New rules for high school sports emphasize safety against coronavirus
By Dana Hess | For the S.D. Newspaper Association BROOKINGS — Last Wednesday the board of directors of the South Dakota High School Activities Association approved a variety of rules for fall sports that deal with safety measures schools should take during the...
Coronavirus requires changes in high school activities
By Dana Hess | For the S.D. Newspaper Association BROOKINGS — No handshakes. No high fives. No awards ceremonies. In the age of coronavirus, those are just some of the recommendations for fall high school activities approved Wednesday by the South Dakota High School...