
Construction project to begin on S.D. Highway 19

The South Dakota Department of Transportation crews will begin a $4.3 million federally funded project on S.D. Highway 19 from S.D. Highway 42 to 277th Street at the intersection starting Monday, April 5. Photo/Dawn Rye Dawn Rye | Writer According to the South Dakota...

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DENR provides funding for Chancellor wastewater projects

Dawn Rye | Writer The South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) announced the Board of Water and Natural Resources had approved  $69,445,450 for water, wastewater and solid waste projects. The DENR will be providing the City of...

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Accident north of Parker kills one

MONROE – A 42-year-old Sioux Falls man has been identified as the person who died last Monday night, March 22, in a one-vehicle fatal crash east of Monroe. Preliminary crash information indicates that a 2010 Ford F-150 pickup was eastbound on 268th Street when the...

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Hurley Fire Department received South Dakota Fund grant

The Hurley Fire and Ambulance Department recently received a $10,000 grant to help outfit four new members with the essential bunker gear (coats, pants, helmet and boots) to comply with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards and CDC guidelines. ...

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Approximately 120 people attended the World Down Syndrome event Sunday, March 21 at the Parker School. Residents from the community walked, ran, or rode their bikes to help support local kids Wyatt Hope and Paige Becker. Photos/ Dawn Rye 

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Commissioners accept deputy resignation

Dawn Rye | Writer During last week’s Turner County Commissioner meeting, a motion was made to accept deputy Jared Overweg’s resignation.  Sheriff Steven Luke said he had a discussion with long-time deputy Jared Overweg about his resignation. There were a few...

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Obtaining a concealed permit for Turner County

Dawn Rye | Writer People have guns for various reasons that extend beyond hunting, personal defense, exercising citizens’ rights, recreational activities and freedom. Some people don’t personally own guns but live with someone who does own a firearm.  The open...

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SEFP offers help to businesses

Dawn Rye | Writer  Someone looking to start their own business knows a lot can go wrong if they don’t take the proper steps. Much of what determines a business’s longevity is a result of the planning process, before the business even opens the doors. ...

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Proposed events center by the numbers

Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor Editor’s note: In last week’s two articles, one from the city council meeting and one from the event’s center committee, the proposed events center was discussed. What it would entail and what it could bring to the community was...

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Proposed events center to be built in Parker

Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor A month ago, when Parker Mayor Ron Nelson contacted a small group of citizens with the idea of an events center in town, the group quickly got to work. Mark Kasten, Ryan Wieman, Peggy Berens, Mike VanVliet, Chad Aeschlimann, Trent...

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Council discusses possible events center

Sarah Ebeling | Managing Editor Editor’s note: This is just the first of an ongoing series about the proposed events center, the cost to the city, city numbers and much more. The first two stories about this proposed center arein this issue.  Two main topics were...

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Parker School Phase I addition set for spring

Dawn Rye | Writer During last week’s Parker School board meeting, the Phase I project was discussed. According to the board, bids would be accepted in April and demolition would start in May.  Business Manager Jim Vogel explained the school received some...

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Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

Dawn Rye | Writer Sunday, March 21, will be just an average day for most families or individuals. However, the 21st day of March marks a significant uniqueness to children with a triplication (trisomy) that caused them to have Down syndrome.  World Down Syndrome...

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More changes possible in Parker sports

Shane Merrill | Writer Parker High School athletics will make another change next season, if proposals from the South Dakota High School Activities association are adopted. Parker will be moving from Region 5, which primarily travels west, and be moved to Region 4,...

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Par Mar Bluff building road relationship with county

Dawn Rye | Writer Ryan Wieman told the county he wanted to discuss an opportunity regarding Par Mar Bluff, the development he started a few years ago. There is a taxable road district that meets annually, which would allow him as a developer to tax the 28 lots. He...

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Paying it forward

Dawn Rye | Writer The simplest way to define “pay it forward” is that when someone does something for someone, instead of paying that person back directly, someone passes it on to another person instead.  One local man wanted a place where people could go in...

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Shop, Shoot and Eat

New three-one store opening in Parker Residents will now have the opportunity to shop local at the Thrift Shak and shoot bow and arrows at the Archery Shak located on Main St. in Parker. Photo/Dawn Rye  Dawn Rye | Writer Chances are you’ve visited a thrift store...

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